
(2021). Exploration of the Hg-based cuprate superconductors by Raman spectroscopy under hydrostatic pressure. Exploration of the Hg-based cuprate superconductors by Raman spectroscopy under hydrostatic pressure.

Citation DOI Article Pre-print SciRate

(2020). Ordres électroniques sous-jacents du diagramme de phases des cuprates étudiés par spectroscopie Raman. Ordres électroniques sous-jacents du diagramme de phases des cuprates étudiés par spectroscopie Raman.

Citation Thesis

(2020). Universal relationship between the energy scales of the pseudogap phase, the superconducting state, and the charge-density-wave order in copper oxide superconductors. Universal relationship between the energy scales of the pseudogap phase, the superconducting state, and the charge-density-wave order in copper oxide superconductors.

Citation DOI Article Pre-print SciRate

(2019). Nematic fluctuations in the cuprate superconductor $\mathrm{Bi} _2\mathrm{Sr} _2\mathrm{CaCu} _2\mathrm{O} _{8+\delta }$. Nematic fluctuations in the cuprate superconductor $\mathrm{Bi} _2\mathrm{Sr} _2\mathrm{CaCu} _2\mathrm{O} _{8+\delta }$.

Citation DOI Article Pre-print SciRate

(2019). Intimate link between charge density wave, pseudogap and superconducting energy scales in cuprates. Intimate link between charge density wave, pseudogap and superconducting energy scales in cuprates.

Citation DOI Article Pre-print SciRate