Universal relationship between the energy scales of the pseudogap phase, the superconducting state, and the charge-density-wave order in copper oxide superconductors


We report the hole doping dependencies of the pseudogap phase energy scale $2\Delta_{PG}$, the antinodal (nodal) superconducting energy scales $2\Delta^{AN}{SC}$ ($2\Delta^{N}{SC}$), and the charge-density-wave energy scale $2\Delta_{CDW}$ extracted from the electronic Raman responses of several copper oxide families. We show for all the cuprates studied that the three energy scales $2\Delta_{PG}$, $2\Delta^{AN}{SC}$, and $2\Delta{CDW}$ display the same decreasing monotonic behavior with doping. In particular, $2\Delta^{AN}{SC}$ and $2\Delta{CDW}$ have nearly equal values. This suggests a universal scenario in which $2\Delta_{PG}$, $2\Delta^{AN}{SC}$, and $2\Delta{CDW}$ are governed by common microscopic interactions that become relevant well above the superconducting transition at Tc. This is to be contrasted with the behavior of the nodal superconducting energy scale $2\Delta^{N}_{SC}$, which tracks the doping dependence of Tc and, hence, seems to be controlled by different interactions.

Universal relationship between the energy scales of the pseudogap phase, the superconducting state, and the charge-density-wave order in copper oxide superconductors
Nicolas Auvray
Nicolas Auvray
PhD in Physics - Teacher

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